目前分類:2007 夏歐行 (27)

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  • Sep 21 Mon 2009 11:46
  • 圓滿

上禮拜第二次上法院, 早上九點半的庭


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柏林不用說, 德國精神品質保證

U Bahn地鐵線和S Bahn輕地鐵寬敞又準時

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德國文件展(Documanta), 每五年在卡塞爾(Kassel)舉行一次

每次為期一百天, 是藝術界重要盛會

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造訪時適逢週末, 和德國一樣

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這是終點, 也是起點


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每早, 從沉睡中清醒到完全睜開雙眼的那一剎那

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"a picture is worth a thousand words"

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其實也沒多晚, 九點而已

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我現在在海牙, 荷蘭王室與國際法庭所在地

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Well, I know that this country is located on the northern part of Europe.

However, it's not so far away from the normal world as some crazy pleaces are such as Iceland or Alaska.

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I am in Pompidou Center now.

Paris is really beautiful

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I like this city very much!!!

It´s energetic and insteresting.

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I thought the weather would be cold here, or be cool at least.

However, I was wrong. It is as hot as other cities in Europe.

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After visiting Venezia, we left lovely Italy and took a night train to Linz, Austria.

However, because of the carelessness of the train station staff in Venezia, we actually got just two seats but not beds on the train.

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the most important thing I found in Roma is that this city is not as notorious as what people said.

I like Roma, an ancient city with beautiful buildings and passionate people.

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Now we are in Santorini, the beautiful island dropped on Miditerranean Sea.

After traveling a whole month, we feel tired and decide to spend one week here.

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