



這件錄影裝置的靈感來自類比時鐘. 60個螢幕列在外圈代表秒而另外60個螢幕列在內圈代表分.


這是改良後的程式. 比起前一個它更有效率且能讓我在任何尺寸的單一螢幕上展示此作品的原型.

這是這件作品的第一幕. 影片依照時鐘運轉的方式由代表秒與代表分的第一個螢幕開始播放. 在
代表秒的外圈螢幕上, 影片在播放一秒鐘後即在鄰接的第二個螢幕上播放第二秒的影像, 這過程
繞著個螢幕持續進行以完成一分鐘. 每分鐘過後, 代表第二分鐘的螢幕開始播放影片並將上一分
鐘影片的最後一個畫面以靜止的方式留在之前的螢幕上. 這些靜止畫面於是一步一步逐漸成為一
道圓, 而觀者能在每59分鐘後觀看整件作品的樣貌60秒鐘. 一小時過後, 所有的畫面都會被清除

這是第一個主題: 日. 影片呈現光與影的微妙變化. Flow總共有六個主題, 這些主題一個接一個

這是第二個主題: 夜. 每秒鐘都有一根蠟燭自動燃滅. 在內圈, 每分鐘都有一根蠟燭自動點燃. 同
時, 中間的螢幕播放著一根持續燃燒卻不曾變短的蠟燭.

這是我的雙頻道錄影裝置"浮月". 去年時在視覺藝術藝廊展出. 我使用兩架攝影機同時拍攝天空

第三個主題: 滿月, 便是發展自這件作品. 記錄月升與其同時刻的水面倒影的連續影像分別被呈
現在內圈螢幕的上半圓與下半圓. 中間的兩個螢幕播放天空中的滿月與倒影, 這些畫面都被置於

我手邊仍有三個主題要繼續進行. 接下來是其中兩個的觀念草圖. 第四個主題是海之回聲...

關於裝置形式, 目前我使用單螢幕播放作為原型. 下一步是使用九個螢幕做成一件小型裝置. 最
終目標是使用121個螢幕建構一件大型裝置藝術. 我會努力實現這件獨一無二的作品.


This video installation is inspired by the form of an analog clock. Sixty screens representing seconds
are in the inside circle and the other sixty screens representing minutes are in the outside circle. One
to three screens which represent hours are in the center.

The patch you see is the original MAX/jitter patch I created to manipulate this work.

This is the refined patch. It has much better efficiency and makes it possible to show this work as
the prototype on any single monitor in any size.

It is the first view of this work. The videos are shown as a clock operating and start from the first
screens representing seconds and minutes of both circles. On the screens representing seconds,
the video plays for one second then plays the next second of footage on the adjacent screen and
continues around the screens completing a full minute.

After that minute, the second screen of minutes begins to play the video with the last frame
remaining on the previous screen like a still image. The remaining frames become a traced circle
step by step, and you can see the complete cycle of this work every fifty-nine minutes for sixty
seconds. All the frames on the screens of minutes will be cleared every hour and the same
process will repeat.

This is the first topic Day. The videos show the variations of shadow and light. There are six topics
in Flow. Step by step they represent and explore the relationships between time and life.

This is the second topic Night. The images of a candle burning and snuffing repeat every second. In
the inner circle, a series of candles light automatically every minute. At the same time, the image of
a burning but not dwindling candle is presented in the center screen for an hour.

It’s my two-channel video installation work Floating Moon. It was exhibited in the Visual Arts Gallery
last year. I used two cameras to shoot the moon in the sky and its reflections on a lake at the same

The third topic Full Moon is developed from Floating Moon. The sequences of the moon rising and its
simultaneous reflections on the lake are played separately on the upper half and down half circle of
the minute monitors. Two channels in the center display the images of the full moon in the sky and
on the water at the same time. These images are always displayed in the same direction to reveal
similar layouts.

I still have three topics to finish in the future. These are the concept images for two of them. The forth
topic is Sea Echoing. The minute screens show the shots of waves surging against the rocks and
dragging the seaweed at dusk. Two channels in the center present the documentary of the fish port
business. The outside channels flash images of the tanked fishes fed temporarily by fishmongers or
the seafood restauranters for selling or cooking. They live with no tomorrow.

Now I am editing one short film for this topic. At the beginning two gold fishes are swimming in a river
on the film. Later the river fades out and the hands of a young person fade in to hold these gold fishes
with water. The hands get older and older with the passing of time while the fishes are not influenced
and keep swimming in the hands. In the end, the elder creased hands fade out and the river appears
again. The gold fishes finally get free and disappear somewhere in the river.

About the installation, I have used the single channel prototype until now. The next step is to use 9
monitors to develop a small-scale installation. My final goal is to take 121 monitors to build up a huge
installation. I’ll work hard to accomplish this unique piece.


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